Nepal 2008

First trip to Nepal. (January 2008)

The wife and I had a really great time in Nepal, we stayed in Kathmandu and also went to Dhulikel for a night.  Although a short trip, it was really enjoyable due to the scenic beauty, the friendly and hospitable people and the good food.  Especially nice was the High View Resort in Dhulikhel which gave us plenty of opportunity to roam around the hills and had a nice feeling of being completely isolated from the world.  Loved Thamel in Kathmandu, where you can find hundreds of shops, restaurants, bars and everything in between.  Word of warning though: shopkeepers will give wildly exaggerated prices, so bargain like you have never bargained before!

View from the resort at Dhulikhel

                                          A stop on the tour of Kathmandu.

                                       The beautiful High Hill Resort at Dhulikhel

                                          Fire, fire everywhere!

Virbrant Thamel!  Sure to find a good place to eat in this place.

Just an example of the interesting places to eat.............

We were lucky to see the ice and vegetable carving competition being held near our hotel.

                                 Yep, it was pretty cold at the time!


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