Bye Bye 2010! Hello 2011

As is the case every year, another year is gone and seems to have disappeared even faster than the previous year.  Often we think where did the time go, and what did I actually do?  Well thanks to the magic of digital photographs, we have a way to document some of the happier times of the year. So here we go, some of my favorite pictures from each month of the year. 

January, 2010


Baba’s birthday – January 5


February, 2010


24th February, 2010 – Great sight of a vehicle less Airport Road



Best time for a walk around the neighbourhood



Great trip to Bhutan in February.  Plenty of sights such as this one on offer. 

One of my favorite shots, I like to call this Pepper version 2.0




Not too shabby a pic – even if i do say so myself…..




March 2010


12th March, 2010 - Visiting Chennai, found this place coming back from the World Heritage Monument, Mahabalipuram, this was so much better!  Great place to roam around and see beautiful sights. And no fees either! 



 Coming up with creative ways to get myself in the picture…..





Hmmm…… wonder what could that mean?



So that’s the butter ball…….







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